This is the part where you get to find out some information about me, Kim McCumber. At some point, I'll include a picture of myself (black and white, of course!). Here's the info:

Name: Kim McCumber (For those curious individuals, I'm half Korean, which is how I arrived at Kim for a name.)

Current Occupation: Surviving Grad School!. Currently in my first year at Northwestern University getting my Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry and Materials Science

Research Interests: Currently conducting research under Dr. Chad Mirkin on DPN (Dip Pen Nanolithography).

Marital Status: Single

High School: Graduated from the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics Class of 1998
College: Graduated from East Carolina University with a BS in Chemistry
Hobbies: Swing Dancing, coffee shops (Check out Potion Liquid Lounge in Evanston (on Noyes), Poetry, web programming, pyromania

Favorite Flavor of Kool-Aid: Lime (Isn't that everyone's?)

Contact Information:
Home Address: 1033 W. Loyola Ave. Apt 1303
Evanston, IL 60626
Email Address: