Web AddressDescription

http://www.ecu.edu East Carolina University (where I'm a student)
http://lc.chem.ecu.edu The Learning Center Web Page (lots of chemistry info)
http://www.chemfinder.com A great site if you need to find the structure of a chemical compound along with other information such as melting points and densities.
http://www.ecu.edu/chem/glassblowing/home.htm An excellent web page for anyone interested in glassblowing. The webmaster, also a good friend, is Joe Walas, glassblower for the ECU chemistry department.
http://www.boogiehawg.comThe web page for Boogiehawg, a group out of D.C. that cultivates "Homegrown Original Funk". I heard them a couple weeks ago, and they sound great.

More Pages to come shortly!